• Question: do you present your work/findings to other people?

    Asked by anon-201743 to Sophia, Meirin, George, Emily, Andy on 13 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Sophia Pells

      Sophia Pells answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      So far I’ve only presented to other people at the same university. I’ve just applied to talk at two conferences (one in Glasgow and one in Italy) so if they accept me I will be able to present my work to a larger scientific community. I find the thought of that really scary but also exciting!

    • Photo: George Fulton

      George Fulton answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      I have to present to my supervisors and other members of my group. I always enjoy this, not because I can show off my cool work (not always cool!) but because they are all more knowledgeable than me and this is great 🙂 I learn a lot from these meetings.

      I have two papers in the pipeline at the moment and I will be submitting this papers to conferences in the next few months.

    • Photo: Andy Buckley

      Andy Buckley answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      All the time. And sometimes presenting other people’s work, too (actually, in writing this I am procrastinating from writing such a talk). I think people generally don’t realise how much of good science is about communication… and it gets more important as you get more senior and start to manage other people’s research, too.

    • Photo: Meirin Oan Evans

      Meirin Oan Evans answered on 14 Mar 2019:

      Presenting your work to other people is a crucial part of the scientific process. So much of science is done collaboratively, that you really need to present your work to others. When you’re getting started, lots of more senior scientists are ready and waiting to give you help and advice, so you present your work to them so they can give you tips on how to go forward. Then as you progress, presenting to your colleagues means they can help you with problems, because chances are they’ve come across similar problems in their work! Once you have a complete piece of work without problems, you have to share your work with the rest of the scientific community!
      This summer just gone I presented my work to an international audience in South Korea. I absolutely loved it (plus, it meant I got to travel to South Korea). I can’t wait to give more presentations about my work.
