• Question: if Graphene was to be dropped from the edge of the atmostphere what would happen

    Asked by anon-201751 to George on 6 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: George Fulton

      George Fulton answered on 6 Mar 2019:

      Nice question! In short, I think not much!

      Graphene is a single layer of carbon atoms in a honeycomb structure. This makes graphene very very light. If you dropped graphene from the top of the atmosphere, it would fall towards the earth because of gravity, but because it is so so light, it won’t fall very quickly at all! This is because air resistance acts to stop it and it doesn’t take a lot of resistance to stop something so light.

      This is true for all light things and it is why if an ant dropped off the eiffel tower it would survive, while an elephant would certainly die. The ant and the graphene will fall really slowly to earth due to the air resistance.
